Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Prince Philippos and Princess Nina of Greece to Wed Religiously Next Month!

The Greek royal family is set to witness a significant milestone in the lives of its members as Prince Philippos of Greece and Denmark and his wife Princess Nina (née Flohr) prepare to celebrate their religious wedding in October 2021. This significant event marks a crucial step in the couple's journey together, following their civil marriage in St Moritz, Switzerland, on December 12, 2020. The couple's religious wedding is expected to take place at the historic Metropolitan Cathedral of Athens, a venue that holds great significance for the royal family. The cathedral's rich history dates back to 1842, when King Otto I of Greece and Queen Amalia laid the cornerstone on Christmas Day. This event will be a poignant reminder of the royal family's heritage, particularly as it marks the first wedding of Prince Philippos's generation to take place within the cathedral's hallowed walls1.


In delightful news from the Greek royal family, many reports indicate that Prince Philippos of Greece and Denmark and his wife Princess Nina (née Flohr) will celebrate their religious wedding in October 2021. The couple were civilly married at St Moritz, Switzerland, on 12 December 2020. It is believed that the prince and princess might hold their religious wedding at the Metropolitan Cathedral of Athens. The last couple wedding to occur in the cathedral was that of Philippos's parents, King Constantine II of Greece and Queen Anne-Marie, who wed in 1964. Construction of the Cathedral began on Christmas Day 1842 with the laying of the cornerstone by King Otto I of Greece (né Bavaria) and Queen Amalia.

December 2020: Prince Philippos of Greece and Nina Flohr Wed in Switzerland



As we conclude our coverage of the upcoming religious wedding of Prince Philippos of Greece and Denmark and his wife Princess Nina (née Flohr), we would like to express our gratitude to our readers for joining us on this journey. The couple's decision to hold their religious wedding at the historic Metropolitan Cathedral of Athens is a testament to their commitment to their heritage and the rich cultural traditions of Greece. The cathedral's storied history, dating back to 1842, serves as a poignant reminder of the royal family's enduring legacy, as seen in the recent civil marriage of the couple in Switzerland. We are excited to see how this significant event will unfold and how it will be celebrated by the royal family and their supporters.

We hope that our readers have enjoyed this update on the wedding plans of Prince Philippos and Princess Nina. As we look forward to the couple's special day, we are reminded of the importance of preserving cultural heritage and the role that royal families play in this process. The Metropolitan Cathedral of Athens, where the wedding is expected to take place, is a symbol of the country's rich history and a testament to the enduring power of tradition. We wish the couple all the best as they embark on this new chapter in their lives, and we look forward to sharing more updates on their wedding preparations. For those interested in staying up-to-date on the latest news from the Greek royal family, we encourage you to continue following our blog for more informative articles on the royal family and their significant events[1].

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