Monday, February 12, 2024

Unite Against COVID: 15 European Royals Get Vaccinated

As the world continues to grapple with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, a significant development has emerged from the highest echelons of society. In a remarkable display of unity and responsibility, numerous royal families across Europe have joined forces to prioritize public health by getting vaccinated against the virus. This unprecedented move not only underscores the importance of vaccination but also serves as a powerful example for the global community to follow. The royal families of Europe, known for their esteemed positions and influence, have collectively demonstrated a commitment to protecting not only themselves but also their subjects and the broader public. By choosing to get vaccinated, they are not only safeguarding their own health but also sending a strong message about the effectiveness and necessity of vaccination in combating the pandemic. This unified effort is a testament to the enduring power of leadership and the importance of prioritizing the well-being of all people, regardless of social status or position1.
The Duke of Cambridge receives his Covid-19 vaccine.

Since the outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in late 2019, the royals of the world have been true leaders in encouraging everyone to take the necessary precautions in order to stay healthy and safe. As vaccines to prevent the novel coronavirus became available, monarchs and members of their families around the globe have taken the step to get their Covid-19 jab, in order to protect not only themselves, but those around them. Below one can find a sample of the kings, queens, princes, princesses, dukes, and duchesses who have made the wise choice to get their shot to fight the spread of Covid-19. 

King Albert II and Queen Paola of Belgium waiting to receive their Covid-19 vaccine.


March 2021 - TM King Albert II and Queen Paola


January 2021 - HM Queen Margarethe II

May 2021 - HRH Crown Prince Frederik


June 2021 - TM Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko, TIH Prince Hitachi and Princess Hanako, HIH Princess Nobuko, and HIH Princess Hisako

July 2021 - HM Emperor Naruhito

King Abdullah II of Jordan, his son Crown Prince Hussein, and his uncle Prince Hassan receive their vaccinations against Covid-19.


January 2021 - HM King Abdullah II, HRH Crown Prince Hussein, and HRH Prince Hassan

TSH Fürstin Marie and Fürst Hans Adam II prepare to receive their Covid-19 vaccines. Photo (c) IKR.


January 2021 - TSH Prince Hans Adam II and Princess Marie

TRH Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa arrive to receive their vaccinations.
Photo (c) Maison du Grand-Duc / Sophie Margue.


April 2021 - TRH Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa


June 2021 - HM King Willem-Alexander


January/February 2021 - TM King Harald V and Queen Sonja


March 2021 - HM Queen Sofía

May 2021 - HM King Felipe V

July 2021 - HM Queen Letizia and HRH The Princess of Asturias

HM King Carl XVI Gustaf receives his Covid-19 vaccine.


January 2021 - TM King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia

April 2021 - HRH Princess Madeleine and Mr. Christopher O'Neill

HM King Tupou VI receives his vaccine against Covid-19.


May 2021 - TM King Tupou VI and Queen Nanasipauʻu
HRH The Duchess of Cambridge receives her Covid-19 vaccine.

United Kingdom

January 2021 - HM The Queen and HRH The Duke of Edinburgh 

February 2021 - TRH The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall

May 2021 - TRH The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge

As we conclude our exploration of the remarkable story of European royal families coming together to prioritize public health by getting vaccinated against COVID-19, we are reminded of the profound impact that collective action can have on the world. The royals, known for their esteemed positions and influence, have collectively demonstrated a commitment to protecting not only themselves but also their subjects and the broader public. By choosing to get vaccinated, they are not only safeguarding their own health but also sending a strong message about the effectiveness and necessity of vaccination in combating the pandemic. This unified effort is a testament to the enduring power of leadership and the importance of prioritizing the well-being of all people, regardless of social status or position.

As we move forward in this ongoing battle against COVID-19, it is crucial that we continue to draw inspiration from the actions of these royals. Their decision to get vaccinated serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of vaccination in protecting not only individual health but also the health of the community. By choosing to prioritize public health, they are setting an exemplary standard for others to follow. As we strive to overcome this global challenge, we must continue to emphasize the significance of vaccination and the role that collective action can play in achieving a safer, healthier world for all. Let us continue to draw strength from the actions of these royals and work together to build a brighter future for everyone.

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