Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Romanian Royals Honor King Michael's Legacy on 100th Birthday

As the world marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of King Michael of Romania, the royal family gathered at Curtea de ArgeČ™ to pay tribute to the monarch who ruled the country during World War II. The solemn ceremony, officiated by Archbishop Calinic, was attended by Nicholas, the grandson of King Michael, and his wife Alina-Maria de Roumanie, who honored their grandfather's memory alongside the heroes who fought for the nation's integrity. The royal family also unveiled a statue of King Michael in Sinaia, where his children, including Custodian of the Crown Margarita, Princess Helen, Princess Sofia, and Princess Maria, gathered to celebrate their father's life. This significant event was marked by a special commemorative coin presented at the National Bank of Romania, further solidifying the enduring legacy of King Michael, who remains a symbol of courage and sacrifice in Romanian history1.
Crown Princess Helen and the newborn Prince Michael of Romania. Photo from HM King Michael I of Romania: A Tribute.
Queen Sophie of Greece and her grandson Prince Michael. Photo from HM King Michael I of Romania: A Tribute.
Queen Marie of Romania and her grandson Prince Michael. Photo from HM King Michael I of Romania: A Tribute.
Crown Prince Carol and Crown Princess Helen of Romania with their son Prince Michael. Photo from HM King Michael I of Romania: A Tribute.
On Monday, 25 October, the family of King Michael of Romania commemorated the centenary since His Majesty's birth in 1921. Michael was the only child of King Carol II of Romania and Queen Mother Helen of Romania (born Princess of Greece and Denmark). In 1948, King Michael married Princess Anne of Bourbon-Parma. The king and queen had five daughters: Princess Margarita, Princess Helen, Princess Irina, Princess Sophie, and Princess Marie. Queen Anne of Romania died in 2016; King Michael died in 2017. The king and queen are buried at Curtea de ArgeČ™.
Nicholas and Alina of Romania participate in the memorial of King Michael's birth at Curtea de ArgeČ™.
Nicholas and Alina-Maria of Romania. Photo (c) Nicolae al Romaniei.
Nicholas visits the graves of King Carol I and Queen Elisabeta of Romania. Photo (c) Nicolae al Romaniei.
The graves of King Michael I and Queen Anne of Romania. Photo (c) Nicolae al Romaniei.
The king's grandson, Nicholas, and his wife, Alina-Maria, attended a memorial service at Curtea de ArgeČ™, where King Michael and Queen Anne are buried together with the Romanian monarchs who preceded them. The following statement was released by Nicholas:
On this day of double meaning, in which we mark one hundred years since the birth of King Mihai I, as well as the Romanian Army Day, I participated with my wife Alina-Maria de Roumanie at a memorial officiated by Archbishop Calinic in the Archbishopric Cathedral at Curtea of ArgeČ™ in memory of my grandfather and the heroes of this nation, reminding us of the sacrifice, devotion and courage demonstrated in the defense of the integrity of our country.
The date of October 25 marks the full release of Romanian territory from the occupation of the troops of Hungary. General Gheorghe Avramescu won the final victory at Carei, dedicating it to King Mihai on the occasion of his twenty-third birthday on 25 October 1944.
Our thoughts will always be directed towards my grandfather, the youngest king in the history of Romania and the last monarch of the country, just as we will be eternally grateful to the heroes who sacrificed themselves for the country, fighting for freedom and justice. May God rest them in peace!
The statue of His Majesty King Michael of Romania, Sinaia. Photo (c) PPE/RoyalblogNL Hans Jacobs.
Margarita, Custodian of the Crown, in front of the statue of her father King Michael.
Princess Elena of Romania at the unveiling of the statue of her father. Photo (c) PPE/RoyalblogNL Hans Jacobs.
Princess Sofia of Romania at the unveiling of the statue of her father. Photo (c) PPE/RoyalblogNL Hans Jacobs.
Princess Maria of Romania at the unveiling of the statue of her father. Photo (c) PPE/RoyalblogNL Hans Jacobs.
In Sinaia, a statue of King Michael was unveiled in the presence of most of his children. This event was attended by four of the king's five daughters: Margareta, Custodian of the Romanian Crown, with her husband Prince Radu; Princess Helen (mother of Nicholas); Princess Sophie; and Princess Marie. They also visited an exhibition at the National Bank of Romania, where a special commemorative coin was presented. For more information and pictures of this event, you can visit this link: Centenarul nașterii Regelui Mihai I.
May the memory of His Majesty be a blessing.

As we conclude our reflection on the remarkable life of King Michael of Romania, we are reminded of the profound impact he had on the nation and the world. His unwavering dedication to the integrity of Romania, as well as his personal sacrifices, continue to inspire generations of Romanians and international admirers alike. It is crucial to honor his legacy by acknowledging the significant role he played in shaping the country's history, particularly during World War II. The royal family's efforts to preserve his memory through various tributes and ceremonies serve as a testament to their commitment to upholding his values and ideals.

As we move forward, it is essential to continue celebrating the life and achievements of King Michael, not only as a symbol of national pride but also as a reminder of the importance of courage, sacrifice, and devotion. His story serves as a beacon of hope and resilience, inspiring us to strive for a brighter future. We hope that this article has provided a meaningful tribute to the king's remarkable life and that it will continue to inspire readers to learn more about his remarkable legacy. We extend our gratitude to the royal family for their tireless efforts in preserving his memory and to all those who have contributed to the celebration of his life. May King Michael's spirit continue to guide and inspire us as we strive for a better world.

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